The Feeling of what Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of ConsciousnessHoughton Mifflin Harcourt, 1999 - 386 trang In The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness, neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, director of UCLA's Brain and Creativity Institute, presents "the first truly compelling neurobiological account of the self...a remarkable work of intellectual daring" (Nature). A New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice Widley praised for his innovative scientific thinking and elegant writing, Antonio Damasio, the international bestselling author of Descartes' Error achieves an understanding of consciousness by asking and answering profound questions: How is it we know what we know? How is it that our conscious and private minds have a sense of self? In this groundbreaking book, Damasio -- a renowned and revered scientist and clinician who spent decades following amnesiacs down hospital corridors, waiting for comatose patients to awaken, and devising ingenious research using PET scans to piece together the great puzzle of consciousness -- explores the biological roots of sentient awareness and its role in survival. Consciousness is the feeling of what happens-our mind noticing the body's reaction to the world and responding to that experience. Without our bodies there can be no consciousness, which is at heart a mechanism for survival that engages body, emotion, and mind in the glorious spiral of human life. Linking body and emotion in an arresting and original study of what it is to be human, The Feeling of What Happens "will change your experience of yourself" (The New York Times). "Both Descartes Error and The Feeling of What Happens are essential reading. They are ground-breaking classics of psychology and neuroscience."--Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine |
Nội dung
II | 3 |
III | 5 |
IV | 8 |
V | 12 |
VII | 15 |
VIII | 19 |
IX | 23 |
X | 25 |
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XI | 26 |
XII | 28 |
XIII | 33 |
XIV | 35 |
XV | 38 |
XVI | 42 |
XVII | 49 |
XVIII | 50 |
XIX | 53 |
XX | 56 |
XXI | 59 |
XXII | 62 |
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XXX | 89 |
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LI | 145 |
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C | 281 |
CI | 283 |
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CIX | 296 |
CX | 302 |
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CXX | 322 |
CXXI | 323 |
CXXII | 324 |
CXXIII | 331 |
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369 | |
Ấn bản in khác - Xem tất cả
The Feeling of what Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness Antonio R. Damasio Không có bản xem trước - 1999 |
The Feeling of what Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness Antonio R. Damasio Không có bản xem trước - 2000 |
Thuật ngữ và cụm từ thông dụng
ability absence seizures act of knowing activity akinetic mutism amygdala anatomical anosognosia areas aspects attention auditory autobiographical memory background emotions basal forebrain behavior bilateral damage biological body brain stem cause cerebral cortex changes chapter chemical cingulate cited earlier cognitive coma core consciousness Damasio David dispositions early sensory emotion and feeling experience extended consciousness face fact function hemisphere human hypothalamus idea impaired individual instance interaction internal milieu knowledge known language lesions lobe located locked-in locked-in syndrome mechanisms mind muscles nerve nervous system ness neural patterns neurological neurons neuroscience nonconscious nonverbal normal object occur organism organism's pain patients persistent vegetative person perspective prefrontal problem proto-self regulation representation requires responses result reticular formation reticular nuclei sciousness second-order map second-order neural seizures sense sensory cortices signals situation sleep somatosensory specific spinal cord stimuli structures subcortical temporal temporal lobe thalamus tion viscera visual wakefulness words