Psychoanalysis, the Impossible ProfessionKnopf, 1981 - 174 trang Through an intensive study of Aaron Green, a Freudian analyst in New York City, New Yorker writer Janet Malcolm reveals the inner workings of psychoanalysis. |
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Aaron Green adult American Psychoanalytic Association analy analytic setting analytic situation analytic technique Anna Anna Freud Basic become behavior Brenner Breuer candidate Charles Brenner choanalysis Clark lectures clinical comes conscious couch countertransference Dahl defensive developed doctor Dora Dora's dream emotional ence erotic experience fantasy feel felt Ferenczi free association Freud wrote Freudian goes happened hour human hypnosis hysterical infantile interest International Journal interpretation Josef Breuer Journal of Psycho-Analysis Karen Horney Kernberg kind Kohut less listen look lysts ment mind mother narcissistic neurosis neurotic never Oedipal Oedipus complex orthodox Otto Kernberg paper called patient person profession psychic Psycho Reflections on Gandhi relationship repression resistance Sandor Sandor Ferenczi sessions sexual Standard Edition Stone superego symptoms talk tell termination theory therapy things thought tient tion told training analyst transference treatment unconscious Wilhelm Fliess Winnicott wishes woman writes York Psychoanalytic Institute