Gossip: The Inside ScoopSpringer US, 1 thg 1, 1987 - 250 trang Discusses the nature of gossip, examines its psychological aspects, and looks at rumors, celebrity gossip, propaganda, gossip columnists, and political gossip. |
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According actor actually anthropologists Bauman become behavior Boston Brezhnev called Carol Burnett celebrity gossip Chappaquiddick claimed court culture dirt editor Elvis Enquirer reporter Entenmann's everyday gossip example fact friends front-page girl going gossip columnists gossip columns gossip reporters gossipmongers Hal Wingo Hollywood star Ibid individuals inside scoop instances of gossip interview item of gossip James Brady Janet Charlton Kennedy Kennedy's Kopechne leader libel lifestyles Liz Smith Louella Parsons magazine Mary Mary Jo Kopechne movie nasty National Enquirer never newspapers official Orléans party percent person play police political politicians popular press agents publicists reputation Richard Taylor role Rosemary Clooney rumor Sam Rubin scandal Senator sexual social society someone sources Soviet spread story Studds supermarket tabloid tabloid reporters talk targets of gossip Ted Kennedy television tion told victim Walter Winchell Washington wedding Winchell women York